Friday 5 May 2017

April Happenings, May Plans

May already, wowsers!

We had a really nice quiet April, actually. The insanity of the last few months at work has thankfully calmed a little, allowing a more slow paced month which I think is what I needed!

The main thing we did in April was a lovely family holiday to Malta, taken over Easter. Our destination was picked quite randomly - after my suggestion of a trip to Cornwall was voted down by the kids, we just picked the place with the biggest pool we could find for our budget! It worked out a treat though, it's a beautiful place and everyone had a great time. There's bound to be more about it here once I get my photos organised!

The weekend before we went, I had a karate grading. I won't lie, it nearly killed me - I am definitely not fit enough for those longer and more intense sessions. I was fast asleep by about 8pm that night, I was so worn out! But I passed, and I got to eat great food as a reward! Tradition dictates that any big karate event - gradings, tournaments - is followed by a trip out for dinner (mainly cos I'm usually too knackered afterward to cook!)

It was my turn to choose a venue so we headed to the Classic Persian Restaurant - this place the number one restaurant in Bradford according to tripadvisor, and its only a few minutes walk from my house, so it was a bit of an obvious choice really! The food was amazing, as always - and I got to eat alllll that homus (their spelling) myself, as no one else likes it! Delicious!

Apart from that though, we didn't get up to much in April. The last couple of weekends we mainly spent at home - we did get a bit of tidying done, and we had my nephew over to stay, watched a couple of films - stuff like that but nothing you'd really call 'adventuring'.

The sunny weather at the minute has me itching to get out and about though - so hopefully I'll have a bit more to tell you about at the end of the month!

For a start, little miss was asking about how to make cheese the other day (she wants her own farm when she's grown up so needs to be building her knowledge of such things!) and since I don't actually know much other that it involves milk, I thought I might take her to the Wensleydale Creamery to learn from the experts. (Also so I can eat all the cheese of course!)

We have a wedding coming up in May too, I do love weddings and I'm really looking forward to that - though no idea yet what I'm wearing and I'm running out of time to work it out, eek!

And then at the end of the month we are going to take advantage of the bank holiday and run away to Dublin for a couple of days. The kids are away on a camping trip and I'd get bored at home without them, is my excuse!

How was your April? What have you got lined up for May?


  1. I love weddings too and one in May sound lovely, I hope it stays nice and sunny for you all! That shot from Malta looks gorgeous, I've never been all of the photos I've seen always look gorgeous and I can imagine it's lovely and warm this time of year too. Also the food in the Persian restaurant sounded gorgeous! - Tasha

    1. It was a beautiful wedding! I'm running out of unmarried friends to provide we me with weddings to go to though now, boo! :D

  2. Just wanted to come back across and say thank you for all of the lovely blog comments you left me Kel! - Tasha

  3. Going to Wensleydale to see how the cheese is made sounds like fun. I think we should know more on how our food is made. I find out after a couple of years of being vegetarian that not all cheese is vegetarian as I had no idea how it's made.
    Have fun at the wedding. xx

    1. Its strange, some of the things that are vegetarian and some of the things that aren't! I was always on the hunt for gelatine-free chewy sweets :D

  4. So jealous you've been on holiday so recently!! I'm not going away till August and need some sun now! Malta looks amazing I would love to go one day x

    S x

    1. Ah I hope August will come around quickly for you! I hate waiting! x

  5. Malta is a nice family vacay destination! I was there two years ago and cant wait to go back!

    1. It was really lovely! I'd have loved an extra couple of days though!


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