Monday 28 May 2018

A Cosy Scottish Stay

(Again, I'm 'recycling' as this is from a little while ago! We are just looking at similar places to stay this summer though, so this place has been in my thoughts!)

When I first starting thinking about what I wanted to do for our family summer holiday this year, my first thoughts were of sunshine, outdoor swimming pools, all inclusive ice creams and exotic beaches. However, vocalising these thoughts to the children I was met with '....can we go to Scotland instead?'


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Belhaven Fruit Farm

So firstly, a disclaimer! I'm totally cheating with this post, as it's an old one posted elsewhere previously (so no, the kiddo's haven't shrunk!) In my defence, I've been meaning to move a lot of stuff over for,.. well the last year or so! Not everything, just the bits that seem to fit here most.... and there'll be plenty of new stuff to come too, so I hope you forgive my 'recycling'! Anyway,....

Unexpected roadside farm shops with attached tea rooms are pretty much the best reason in the world for learning to drive.


Thursday 3 May 2018

The London Problem

KC started a new job recently which has led to him, on occasion, travelling to London. He hates London with the passion of a proud Yorkshireman, and returned from his first work-based jaunt to the capital and declared 'I am never, ever, going to that city again unless I have to for work'.

And I get where he's coming from, I really do. I have no deep love for London, and I certainly wouldn't want to travel there on a regular basis. The thing is, and I feel weird just saying this, but for a few reasons I can't quite bring myself to hate it either. And while I'd rather cut off my on toes that than actually live there, I don't hate the idea of visiting occasionally.
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