Tuesday 31 October 2017

Farmer Copley's Pumpkin Festival

It's hard to put my finger on when pumpkin carving became really popular in the UK. I'm sure I never did it when I was a kid. I remember carving turnips, but that may have been more to do with my dad's distrust of pumpkins as 'American', rather than a lack of availability.


Tuesday 17 October 2017

Yorkshire Lavender

It feels a bit weird writing about my summer adventures with it being so grey outside, but I'm trying (not succeeding, but trying!) to get all caught up. I really should probably just skip a couple of months so I'm covering more recent events but I took way too many pictures for that, so to that end - here's Yorkshire Lavender


Monday 2 October 2017

September Happenings, October Plans

September's big event was the little one's ninth birthday, and she did not let us forget it! 

Most people have a birthday, but she's been talking about her 'birthday month' since at least July, and did manage to stretch her birthday celebrations out over two full weekends! 

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