Monday 2 October 2017

September Happenings, October Plans

September's big event was the little one's ninth birthday, and she did not let us forget it! 

Most people have a birthday, but she's been talking about her 'birthday month' since at least July, and did manage to stretch her birthday celebrations out over two full weekends! 

Thankfully she picked some pretty nice things to do for her celebratory days! She'd had Malham Cove in mind for a little while and we somehow managed to miss going all summer. The weather might have been a touch better for it earlier in the year but to balance that out it was nice and quiet! Getting to the top, I'm not going to lie, was a challenge. I thought my (lack of) fitness would be the hardest thing but I forgot 'til I was about halfway up there that I'm not actually so good with heights! Still, the views from the top were beautiful and the kids loved clambering all over the famous limestone pavement (which is where Harry and Hermione set up camp in the Deathly Hallows film!)

Her other top choice was to visit a farm - always her favourite thing to do. We headed to Thornton Hall Farm Country Park, a first visit for us since the nine year old was a mere toddler! 

And sticking with her favourite animal theme, a day was spend at Lakeland Wildlife Oasis where we'd arranged for missy to be a 'junior keeper for the day' as her birthday present. She had no idea until she got there and she had the best day - I just wish she'd clean up at home with the enthusiasm she cleaned up the Lemur enclosure! 

When we weren't birthday-ing in September, we were karate-ing and the month saw a grading and a tournament - but most importantly it saw a couple of nice corresponding meals. The Biscoff Waffles at Bradford's newly opened Marco and Carl were totally worth the pain! 

October's most eagerly awaited event is a biggie. I bought tickets for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child nearly 18 months ago - the furthest in advance I've ever booked anything and it's finally nearly time! And since I'm heading all the way down to the big bad city for the first time in absolutely years, we're taking an extra couple of days to explore.... so that means I need any suggestions of fun things to do in London! Any pointers? 


  1. What a lovely birthday gift! Your comment about her lack of enthusiasm of cleaning at home comparing to the lemur enclosure is hilarious. I know I would rather clean up after lemurs too. :))
    There are many things to do in London, the free museums are great. Some of them I've visited a couple of times and still enjoyed myself. Great for kids too.

    1. Sometimes I feel like I'm cleaning up after wild animals! :D

  2. My friend Suzy went to see the Cursed Child last week! she said it was amazing!!
    I love what you have been up to for the month-long celebration. It really sounds a wonderful set of adventures!! I LOVE Lemurs!!!!

    1. Cursed Child really was amazing! I'll need to take the youngsters to go see it, I felt bad leaving them behind this time but really struggled to get tickets on a school-friendly date but hopefully the longer the show is out, the better availability will be?

  3. That waffle! :O
    Some very nice days out by the looks of it - nice choices from the birthday girl! :)

    1. We made the mistake of getting the waffle to share, I definitely want my own one next time!

  4. Awww, keeper for a day is a lovely birthday present, how sweet! Love the photos here too. Happy Belated Birthday! - Tasha

    1. It worked out really well as a gift as we got to put a huge smile on her face, AND avoid filling the house up with more stuff!


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