Tuesday 25 July 2017

Postcards From Dublin

Our Dublin trip a couple of months ago was not the most carefully planned trip, nor was it the longest. There were a couple of things we got up to while we were in the city (like visiting Kilmainham Gaol and the Jamesons Distillery), but for the most part we were happy to just potter round the streets of Dublin, taking in the sights!

Normally with this sort of post, I like to include a good variety of types of image - but it turns out nearly all of my photos from Dublin are of pubs and food!


...and food.


...and food.

Still, I suppose that was pretty representative of the trip so what are you gonna do?

We didn't actually go into that many of the pubs, but boy were they pretty!

The Temple Bar area was a treat to walk around, both in the morning when it was nice and quiet and in the evening when it was a whole lot livelier!

I did have a sneaky Guinness or two. It's really not something I'd order anywhere else (despite liking it a bunch!) but it just felt wrong to order anything else!

Want to learn lots about Ireland's most famous cultural icons? No need for museums! Tributes to the countries most well loved writers, sportsmen, film makers can be found adorning the walls of the city.

The street art found around Dublin was fantastic actually, but the 'icon walk' was truly a highlight!

KC bought so many books in Ireland - he thought it was a great idea 'til he realised how heavy they were to carry round with him for most of the trip!

I did say there was a lot of food! I spotted the Queen of Tarts cafe though and it just called to me, so I had to make sure out trip included a quick tea'n'cake visit. I was already scone'd out for the day so opted instead for this peanut butter brownie - mmmm!

OK, call me a philistine, but I didn't realise that LadurĂ©e was a thing outside France? Turns out they're all over the place - shows what I know! I treated myself to a couple of macarons to celebrate my discovery - the rose petal ones were magical! 

The best thing about Dublin is the amazing Irish accents that just about everyone you speak to has! We went on a three hour historical/political waking tour and I never once got bored of hearing our guide speak (long after I cared what he was saying!) 

We decided pretty early on in the trip that we wanted to go back next year, with the youngsters. I imagine it'll be a very different trip with them there, and that's always fun in itself! Hopefully we'll get to explore a bit more of the country too. 

If you have any good Dublin suggestions for our next visit, I'd love to hear them! 


  1. Dublin looks fab in your pictures, it makes me want to go for a visit. I like the pubs, they look so Irish (obviously) and the artwork on the streets is very nice. Those doughnuts, aww, I would love to try those.

    1. The doughnuts were amazing! I wish I could have eaten more of them :D

  2. You took some great photos! I've never been to Dublin, but I keep meaning to go... It would be so easy to catch the train up to Holyhead and jump on a ferry :)

    1. Ah you should definitely do it! I'm thinking of the ferry for next time, so I can bring the car and we can explore more!

  3. Now I want to get to Dublin even more - your pictures really capture it beautifully xx

    1. Thanks Simone! We should run away for a girls weekend ;p

  4. I never realised it was such a hub for street art. I've yet to visit Dublin but I like how tourist friendly it seems.

    1. It really is - you don't really have to *do* anything, its just a nice place to wander around!

  5. Love, love, love all of these photos - you got some amazing shots and this is definitely reminding me I need to visit soon! Hope you get to go back again sometimes soon too. - Tasha

  6. I love street art so really happy to see Dublin is full of it. I'm going in September and your pictures are making me really excited for the trip :) x

    1. Hope you got to see so many pretty walls on your trip! x

  7. Your time in Dublin looks so much more interesting than my day when it rained!!! Did you go to the National Leprechaun museum!?!?x

    1. Haha we didn't actually on this trip but if we take the kids next year we'll definitely take them there!


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